Author: Mr. Ganesh waghule.


General concept of flow chemistry is based on practical work to develop modern method of chemical synthesis with help of modern technology. Batch processes were not linear, reaction cannot be performed on actual reaction parameters such as reaction temperature, reaction time and molar ratio, it has lots of disadvantages over flow chemistry, also its required larger space for synthesis of chemicals and produce lots toxic and waste product which is directly affect on the environment. Flow chemistry has advantages over batch production. Flow chemistry provides channel or tube for conduction of reactant rather than in batch. Concept of flow chemistry brings us to potential scale up and efficient marketing,improved safety, fasterreaction, decreased waste production and space requirement, well optimized heat control, reduced cost and way to settle the explosive reaction. There by day to day flow chemistry has reached the number of application. Most important is it can be used both in laboratory as well as industrial scale up. Flow reactors can be employed in small housing area. Micro reactor is micro device that efficiently mixes the reactant thus extremely fast and explosive reaction can be carried out at good heat control and mass control. The Microreactor of Flow chemistry provide series of continuous reaction occurring at correct reaction parameters, chemical analysis of reactant can be done during process flow. Due to these advantages and acceptability it is now increasingly employed in pharmaceutical industries (API and chemical synthesis) since it developed more sustainable and environmental ecofriendly techniques.

Keyword: chemical synthesis, batch process, scale-up, microreactor, API synthesis.


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